Saturday, November 10, 2007

More Boring Doodles

I feel like these are boring to look at because i keep posting the same kinda crap...i duno maybe i should start doing more creative things...oh well, my next post should be either DFA painting or Push/Pull Animation...

The ones above are from random classes...namely Concept and DFA. The below are random doodles from Barnes and Noble and the Hollywood 20...



Betsy Bauer said...

Awesome doodles again. When you work in your sketchbook, do you tend to think in terms of composition or do you just start drawing?

Liron Topaz said...

I love the flip flop hanging there. Nice touch. These are the nice things to capture.

Greg said...

That one of Victor is priceless. You already know that I love your drawings, so what else is there to say?