Thursday, February 7, 2008

CG Me!

Its been really crazy lately...i havent posted anything in ahwile. Good news is i have been drawing more, i have to scan it in and once Im done with that i will start posting it. Hopefully i can catch up, little the meantime here is my LipSync Character. The CG version of me. I want to stay true to some of the drawings...



Avner Geller said...

Oh man... this is awesome...Love it!

Liron Topaz said...

Came out great... what happened to that tiny beard you had going on there in the concept art? I loved that.

Greg said...

Sweet. Let's see that hat.

And yeah...bring back that beard!

magnus said...

I like it!

Gigi said...

that doesn't look anything like you.

Erin McGuire said...

Didn't know you had a blog. Nice models, I think you've captured your essence well ;)

Uri Lotan said...

this guy looks so fun :D